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大洋路游客信息中心 您可在此获取有关大洋路和奥特威斯 (Otways) 各类景点、旅游和住宿的详细信息,可享受免费停车、免费 Wi-Fi,以及浏览礼品店。礼品店提供各种澳大利亚当地制造的纪念品和珠宝,以及书籍、美食、地图和奥特威高空索道 (Otway Fly) 和奥特威角灯塔 (Cape Otway Light station) 的折扣门票。 Get detailed information on a wide range of Great Ocean Road and Otways attractions, tours and accommodation options. Also enjoy free visitor car parking, free Wi-Fi, and browse the gift shop offering a large selection of locally crafted Australian made souvenirs and jewellery, as well as books, Read more…
费尔黑文海滩 这个美丽的海滩,伴着大洋路,在夏天由费尔黑文冲浪救生俱乐部巡逻,使它成为一个安全的地方享受澳大利亚海滩文化的地方。 This beautiful beach, off the Great Ocean Road, is patrolled during summer by the Fairhaven Surf Lifesaving Club, making it a great place to enjoy Australian beach culture safely. 附近更多景点和购物场所 (More nearby attractions and shopping) Read more…
奥特威角灯塔 (Cape Otway Lightstation) 奥特威角灯塔建于 1848 年,是澳大利亚大陆上现存最古老的灯塔,被视为是最重要的灯塔,有“希望之灯塔”之称,位于巴斯海峡和南大洋交界处原始水域上方 90 米处。 您可以在灯塔的眺望台上欣赏令人惊叹的美景,可以在这条偏远崎岖的海岸线上聆听令人惋惜的沉船故事,可以探索令人惊奇的二战澳大利亚秘史,也可以前往原住民聚会棚屋 (Aboriginal meeting hut) 了解当地的土著文化,更可以观看奇妙的鲸鱼戏水! Built in 1848, Cape Otway Lighthouse is the oldest surviving lighthouse on mainland Australia and considered the most significant. Known as the ‘Beacon of Hope,’ it sits 90 metres above the pristine waters where Bass Straight and the Southern Ocean collide. Experience amazing views from the Read more…
分点灯塔之旅 漫游在建于 1891 年,现在仍在使用的分点灯塔。领悟当地历史、回溯时光探寻过去与海的不解情缘、观察丰富的海洋生态系统。三百六十度饱览美不胜收、犬牙交错的海岸风光。分点灯塔之旅 全天开放。 Take a tour of the still-functioning Split Point Lighthouse, built in 1891. Learn local history, step back in time to experience the area’s maritime past, and see the environmental activities to preserve the rich marine ecosystem. Experience the stunning 360 degree view of this beautiful and rugged section of the coast. Tours available 7 days Read more…
澳大利亚国家冲浪博物馆 在展品、音像资料和古朴冲浪板中感悟澳大利亚冲浪的故事。澳大利亚冲浪名人堂是你了解澳大利亚传奇冲浪大师最佳选择。拍下与冲浪板互动的照片,让家乡的朋友为你赞叹。 Discover the story of surfing in Australia through exhibits, videos and historic surfboards. Home of the Australian Surfing Hall of Fame, you’ll also learn about legendary Australian surfers. Get your photo taken on the interactive surfboard to amaze friends back home! 附近更多景点和购物场所 (More nearby attractions and shopping) Read more…
托基农贸市场 除了品尝当地美食和咖啡,你还可以在这找到一系列本地新鲜食材,如水果、蔬菜和肉类。市场每周日营业。 Enjoy delicious local food and coffee as you experience the range of fresh produce such as fruit, vegetables and meat that is grown in the area. The market operates every Saturday. 附近更多景点和购物场所 (More nearby attractions and shopping) Read more…
安格尔西游客信息中心 安格尔西游客信息中心位于安格尔西河的河畔,是您获取当地游玩向导的绝佳资源。热情的当地志愿者可随时为您提供有关该地区住宿、活动和其他热门项目的信息和建议。 Located alongside the Anglesea River, the Anglesea Visitor Information Centre is a great resource to help you get the most from the area. Passionate local volunteers are on hand to provide information and advice about the region including accommodation, activities and events. 附近更多景点和购物场所 (More nearby attractions and shopping) Read more…
库贡拉 (Coogoorah) 公园自然保护区 库贡拉公园自然保护区是珍贵的湿地保护区,孕育着种类繁多的鸟类和动植物,设有游乐场、野餐和烧烤设施。停车和门票免费,且附近有多个公共洗手间。 在保护区内,您可以沿着安格尔西河划独木舟,也可以选择步道漫行、高架桥畅游,或者享受自行车道的健身之旅。垂钓爱好者可以在固定平台根据相关保护规则的指示,享受垂钓之乐。或者,您也可以放松地体验公园的祥和宁静。 The Coogoorah Park Nature Reserve is a precious wetlands supporting ample birdlife, flora & fauna. There are playground, picnic and BBQ facilities. Parking and entry is free, and there are public toilets nearby. Activities include canoeing along the Anglesea River, using the walking tracks and elevated bridges, or enjoying the cycling tracks. Fishing is permitted Read more…
罗恩码头 第一个罗恩码头建于 1879 年,该建筑却更偏现代,是一个欣赏罗恩海滩的安全地点。现如今,罗恩码头作为世界最长的海洋游泳赛事—— 码头到酒吧的起点而闻名遐迩。 The first Lorne pier was built in 1879, with the more recent structure providing a safe vantage point of Lorne beach. Today, Lorne Pier is famous as the starting point for the Pier To Pub swim race, the largest ocean water swim in the world. 附近更多景点和购物场所 (More nearby attractions and shopping) Read more…
托基海滩游乐场 托基海滩游乐场拥有各式活动和供各年龄段儿童游玩的越野场地。烧烤场、凉亭、野餐桌应有尽有,卫生间和停车场快捷方便,还有适合孩子的海滩。附近还有出售食物和小吃的地方。 A fantastic place with many different activities and obstacle courses for kids of all ages to enjoy. Barbecues, shelter, picnic tables, toilets and good parking are all here, plus access to a child-friendly swim beach. Food and refreshments are available nearby. 附近更多景点和购物场所 (More nearby attractions and shopping) Read more…
巴勒姆天堂风景保护区 (Barham Paradise Scenic Reserve) 巴勒姆天堂风景保护区距离巴勒姆河路 (Barham River Road) 的阿波罗湾仅 7 公里。该保护区在河岸边设有一些风景优美的野餐区,野餐区的上方有由大片古老树蕨构成的天蓬,周边有多个洗手间和其他设施。 Barham Paradise Scenic Reserve is just 7 kilometres from Apollo Bay on the Barham River Road. The site includes beautiful picnic areas on the river bank under a canopy of ancient tree ferns, with toilets and other facilities. 附近更多景点和购物场所 (More nearby attractions and shopping) Read more…
厄斯金瀑布 厄斯金瀑布从三十米高处一泻而下,冲入树蕨茂密的厄斯金河。 从两个观景台可以领略这绝佳胜景。其中一个位于上部的观景点距停车场仅五分钟步行的距离,而另一个位于底部的观景点则需要走 240 步台阶到达瀑布底部。 一条 7.5 公里长的厄斯金小道,沿着河流从这延伸到罗恩,沿途经过其他瀑布。 The Erskine Falls plunges 30 metres into the lush tree-fern gully of the Erskine River. Take in the spectacular views from one of two lookouts: the upper lookout is an easy five-minute walk from the car park, and the lower lookout is a more strenuous walk, down 240 steps to the base Read more…
托基游客中心 游客可以在托基游客中心找到提供引导的热心当地居民,以及有助于旅途的宣传册和地图。这里的礼品商店出售各式各样,极具纪念意义的礼品。 Discover everything that Torquay has to offer from passionate locals who can provide local insight and suggestions, plus a range of brochures and maps, to help plan your trip. There is also an attached gift shop with a great selection of gifts to commemorate your visit. 附近更多景点和购物场所 (More nearby attractions and shopping) Read more…
罗恩游客中心 罗恩游客信息中心提供住宿信息、旅游路线和当地景点推荐、本地服务和本地设施指引、方位地图以及小册子。这里还有一家提供本地特产和纪念品的纪念品商店。在这里还可以找到景点折扣票。 展览区讲述了澳大利亚最著名的公路——大洋路,是如何建成的迷人故事。自 1919 年开始,这条路表示对第一次世界战期间澳大利亚修路工人的崇高牺牲的敬仰,这也是世界上最长的战争纪念路。 The Lorne Visitor Information Centre provides accommodation information, travel itineraries and local attractions advice, local services and facilities guidance, directional information maps and brochures, and a souvenir shop offering local produce and souvenirs. Discounted attraction tickets are also available. An exhibition space tells the fascinating story of how Australia’s most famous road, the Great Ocean Read more…
奥特威树顶探险步道 (Otway Fly Treetop Adventures) 奥特威树顶探险步道距离大洋路仅 20 分钟路程,是澳大利亚的五个树冠步道之一,也是维多利亚州唯一的一个树冠步道。游客可以漫步于 25 米高的步道,鸟瞰奥特威山脉的壮观美景,也可以体验更惊险的高空索道 (Zipline Tour),在 30 米高的空中飞跃丛林,这一切定会让游客感到独特而难忘! As one of five canopy walkways in Australia and the only one in Victoria, Otway Fly Treetop Adventures is a unique and unforgettable experience. Enjoy a breathtaking birds-eye-view of the magnificent Otway Ranges from the 25 metre high walkway, or if you’re feeling adventurous, fly 30 Read more…
罗德奈特角海滩 (Point Roadknight) 这是一个人人喜爱、乐趣无穷的美丽海滩。您可以在这里尝试冲浪和趴板冲浪,也可选择在海中畅游,或者带着孩子们在浅滩和岩石池中玩耍。海滩有专人巡逻,也得到了天然海湾的庇护,是非常安全的海游和儿童玩耍区域。这里还有大量的野生动物,从在此筑巢的珩科鸟到充满生机的岩池,应有尽有。这里拥有一流的配套设施,是摄人心魄的动人景点,更是全家游乐的绝佳去处。 There’s something for everyone at this beautiful beach. Try surfing and bodyboarding, enjoy a swim in the ocean, or take the kids for a play in the shallows and rock pools. The beach is patrolled and is sheltered in a natural bay, so it is safe for swimming and great for kids with safe areas to Read more…
安格尔西野地 (Anglesea Heath) 很少有地方能够如此靠近墨尔本,还能拥有如此丰富的生物多样性和震撼人心的自然美景。安格尔西野地是维多利亚州植物最丰富、最多样化的区域,囊括了该州大约四分之一的植物物种,包括 80 多种不同类型的兰花。每年春天,这片野地就会变一个成充满活力、五彩缤纷的海洋,景致尤为壮观。 和植物种类一样,这里的野生动物种类也非常丰富,有 29 种哺乳动物和 100 多种鸟类在此繁衍生息。 Few places so close to Melbourne offer such diversity and natural beauty. Anglesea Heath is the richest and most diverse vegetation community in Victoria. About a quarter of Victoria’s plant species can be found here including over 80 different types of orchids. Spring time is particularly spectacular as the Read more…
: 9:00 am - 5:00 pmMon9:00 am - 5:00 pmTue9:00 am - 5:00 pmWed9:00 am - 5:00 pmThu9:00 am - 5:00 pmFri9:00 am - 5:00 pmSat9:00 am - 5:00 pmSun9:00 am - 5:00 pm科拉克(Colac)是 G’day Friends 官方认证的中澳友好城市。 当地 50 多家门店和品牌商店已加入 G’day Friends,寻找 G’day Friends 标志和二维码即可找到这些门店和品牌商店。品牌商店不仅出售各类独特的产品供中国顾客选购,还设有热情周到的工作人员,提供澳大利亚本土卓越的客户服务。 科拉克(Colac)交通便利是大洋路(Great Ocean Road)的枢纽中心, 距离澳大利亚国家遗产——大奥特威国家公园(Great Otway National Park)仅 40 公里,前往洛恩(Lorne)、阿波罗湾(Apollo Bay)和十二门徒岩(12 Apostles)仅 40 分钟路程。 科拉克坐落在维多利亚最大的天然淡水湖科拉克湖(Lake Colac)畔。科拉克湖(Lake Colac)周围设有多个滨海步道、码头和船舶下水滑道,科拉克湖(Lake Colac)湿地为鸟类自然保护区,吸引着各种鸟类在此栖息。当地艺术家和社区在湖边共同创作了一幅针鼹马赛克图画,这幅画作不仅代表着当地的动植物,同时也是科拉克地区的特色标志。 在科拉克您将了解和品尝当地最优质的特色产品。科拉克享有美食之城的盛誉,盛产葡萄酒和天然的健康产品。当地还有各式各样手工制作的服饰、艺术品和工艺品,您可以在当地多家 G’day Friends 品牌商店以及周边地区购买这些特色商品。 Colac is a G’day Friends accredited China-Friendly town. There are over 50 participating G’day Friends local shops and businesses. They are easy to find, just look for Read more…
泰迪的观景台 在罗恩的郊区,泰迪的观景台提供了令人惊叹的海岸佳景,海浪涌入圣乔治河河口和雨林覆盖的峡谷,在那里,河流蜿蜒穿过蕨类植物覆盖的山谷。大自然爱好者可以花 30 分钟,走环状路线去三个观景台游览。 On the outskirts of Lorne, Teddy’s Lookout provides breathtaking coastal views of the surf breaking into the mouth of the St George River and rainforest covered gorge where the river winds its way through fern covered valleys. Nature enthusiasts can walk the scenic 30 minute loop connecting three lookouts. 附近更多景点和购物场所 (More nearby attractions and shopping) Read more…
贝尔斯海滩 作为澳大利亚最著名的冲浪海滩,贝尔斯海滩是那些想体验澳洲海滩风情的人决不可错过的景点。每年复活节在这个享誉世界的海滩都会举办名为“破浪”的冲浪活动。 崖顶风光美不胜收,在此你可以观察冲浪者的壮举。原始的自然风光,闻名遐迩的海浪,都使这个海滩成为你大洋路旅程计划中的必经之地。 As Australia’s most famous surfing beach, Bells Beach is a must for anyone looking to experience Aussie beach culture. This internationally-renowned beach is home to the Rip Curl Pro event held every Easter. The views from the cliff-top car park are spectacular, and you can watch local surfers in action. With pristine natural beauty and world-renowned waves, Read more…
安格尔西艺术步道 (Anglesea Art Walk) 在安格尔西艺术步道,您可以探索一系列以安格尔西的历史以及动植物为亮点的独特马赛克艺术作品。该步道跨越小镇,全长 2.5 公里,起始于可欣赏冲浪海岸 (Surf Coast) 壮丽全景的洛夫里奇观景台 (Loveridge Lookout),终止于安格尔西小学处的山谷。 Discover a series of unique mosaic artworks highlighting Anglesea’s history, flora and fauna. The Anglesea Art Walk spans 2.5km through town, commencing at Loveridge Lookout with sensational panoramic views of the Surf Coast and ending in the valley at the Anglesea Primary School. 附近更多景点和购物场所 (More nearby attractions and Read more…
罗恩海浴 全家人可以美丽的罗恩海滩享受种类繁多的活动,这些活动健康修身、乐趣十足,包括蹦床,迷你高尔夫,健身房,碰碰船,盐疗和在一个户外游泳池中畅游。 Located the beautiful Lorne foreshore, the whole family can enjoy an extensive range of amazing health, fitness and recreational activities including trampolines, mini golf, gym, bumper boats, salt therapy and an outdoor swimming pool. 附近更多景点和购物场所 (More nearby attractions and shopping) Read more…
卡里斯布鲁克溪 (Carisbrook Creek) 卡里斯布鲁克溪(Carisbrook Creek)海滩自巨石遍地的卡里斯布鲁克溪溪口向外延伸了 150 米,您可以在这里饱览海河相会的壮丽美景,也可以驻足下来细细品味过往旅行者打造的“许愿石”雕塑,直至海潮来袭。 Take in the breathtaking beauty of the river meeting the sea. Carisbrook Creek beach extends for 150 m from the boulder-strewn mouth of the creek – stop and marvel at the ‘wishing stone’ sculptures made by passing travellers (until the tide eventually claims them). 附近更多景点和购物场所 (More nearby attractions and shopping) Read more…
大洋步道 (Great Ocean Walk) 大洋步道是澳大利亚首屈一指的步道,全长 104 公里,从阿波罗湾 (Apollo Bay) 一直延伸至十二使徒岩 (The Twelve Apostles) 附近,沿途穿越了大奥特威国家公园 (Great Otway National Park) 和坎贝尔港国家公园 (Port Campbell National Park) 以及两个海洋公园 — 拥有大量常驻毛皮海豹的马伦戈暗礁海洋保护区 (Marengo Reef) 和拥有本地神仙企鹅的十二使徒海洋公园 (12 Apostles Marine Park),定会给您带来与众不同、终身难忘的美好体验! The Great Ocean Walk is Australia’s premier walking trail, stretching 104 kilometres from Apollo Bay to near The Twelve Apostles. It travels through the Great Otway National Read more…
崖顶漫步 独树一帜的 3.5 公里漫步,始于分点灯塔,壮美的海岸线尽收眼底。 This picturesque 3.5km walk starts at the Split Point Lighthouse precinct and provides spectacular views of the coastline. 附近更多景点和购物场所 (More nearby attractions and shopping) Read more…
灯塔漫步 灯塔区景色优美,历史厚重。再加上分点灯塔、树屋、阿兰诺贝尔避风港、纪念石以及录入遗产名录的建筑,游客将会领略到令人心驰神往的当地历史,包括:仿十七世纪六十年代的移民小屋、野生动物栖息地和其他叹为观止的美景。 Explore this beautiful and historically-rich precinct. Incorporating the Split Point Lighthouse, Bark Hut, Allen Noble Sanctuary, the Memorial Cairn and heritage-listed buildings, you’ll enjoy a delightful mix of local history – including a replica of a settler’s hut from the 1860’s – as well as a wildlife sanctuary and stunning views. 附近更多景点和购物场所 (More nearby attractions and shopping) Read more…
这个户外市场坐落在风景如画的安格尔西河上,设有 150 多个摊位,拥有琳琅满目的商品。您可以在这里买到本地农产品、独特的本地艺术品和工艺品、美食、时装、玩具和珠宝等等。 该市场由当地社区经营,就像一个由形形色色的摊位和摊主组成的庞大宝库,是游客们体验安格尔西当地生活的绝佳去处。市场所获得的收益将为当地组织筹集资金。 每年举办六次周日市场活动。请查看活动日期 With 150+ stalls, this outdoor market, set on the picturesque Anglesea river, has something for everyone. You’ll find local produce, unique local art and crafts, great food, fashion, toys, jewellery and a whole lot more. Run by the local community, the market is a sprawling treasure trove of eclectic stalls and stallholders and is a Read more…
玛瑞纳观景台 (Marriners Lookout) 通往观景台的砾石小道距离较短但相当陡峭,抵达观景台后,您便可以俯瞰阿波罗湾、马伦戈和东部的巴顿角 (Cape Patton),尽情欣赏壮美而开阔的景色。您也可以在此享用美味野餐并观看定期在此起飞的滑翔伞。 Soak in the spectacular expansive view overlooking Apollo Bay, Marengo and east to Cape Patton. A short but fairly steep gravel track takes you to the lookout, where you can also enjoy a picnic and watch the paragliders who regularly take flight from here. 附近更多景点和购物场所 (More nearby attractions and shopping) Read more…
大洋路纪念坊 这座著名的纪念坊是为了纪念从第一次世界大战归国的军人而建造(在澳大利亚当地方言中被称为“奠基者”),他们于 1919 至 1932 年期间修建了大洋路。观看令人肃穆的“奠基者”雕塑,庆祝澳大利亚最著名的路建成七十五周年。 The famous memorial arch was erected to commemorate the returned servicemen from World War One (called ‘Diggers’ in Australian slang) who built the Great Ocean Road from 1919 to 1932. Look for the stunning ‘Diggers’ sculpture commemorating the 75th anniversary of the building of Australia’s most famous road. 附近更多景点和购物场所 (More nearby attractions and shopping) Read more…
阿迪斯角土著文化步道 (Point Addis Koorie Cultural walk) 和家人一起漫步于阿迪斯角土著文化步道,探索 Wathaurung 原住民生活了数千年的神秘之所。步道途中设有一些标志,旨在说明与环境相适的独特文化,以帮助您了解本土居民的生活方式,更有五颜六色的雀类和鹦鹉等各种鸟类,带给您重重惊喜! Take a family adventure on foot along the Point Addis Koorie Cultural Walk. Discover how the indigenous Wathaurung people lived here for millennia. Explore local indigenous ways of life via signs interpreting a unique culture in harmony with the environment. Full of amazing birdlife including colourful finches and parrots. 附近更多景点和购物场所 (More Read more…
阿迪斯角 (Point Addis) 国家海洋公园 阿迪斯角位于大洋路上,这里风景优美、景色宜人,可欣赏岩石散布的维多利亚海滩的自然美景,也可眺望标志性的贝尔斯海滩 — 世界冲浪巡回赛 Rip Curl Pro 职业冲浪大赛的主场,游客们总是纷至沓来。 这里还有可供游人漫步的阿迪斯角土著文化步道 (Point Addis Koorie Cultural walk),步道始于阿迪斯角,全长 2 公里,1小时即可往返走完全程。 Situated on a stunning stretch of the Great ocean road, Point Addis is a beautiful place to stop and enjoy the rugged natural beauty of Victoria’s beaches. You can also look across to iconic Bells Beach, home of the Rip Curl Read more…
梅茨雷斯特雨林步道 (Maits Rest Rainforest Walk) 这段 30 分钟的短途环线步道是奥特威斯 (Otways) 的必游景点,穿越了该地区为数不多的一片温带雨林,风景迷人、老少皆宜,也是健身锻炼的绝佳去处。 This short walk is a must-see for anyone passing through the Otways; a stunning 30-minute loop through one of the few patches of temperate rainforest in the region. Suitable for most ages and fitness levels. 附近更多景点和购物场所 (More nearby attractions and shopping) Read more…