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历史悠久的 Ocean Grove Chalet 是一家靠近冲浪海岸的豪华酒店,始建于 1887 年,设有 15 间客房,采用现代化的迷人设计,可让客人轻松享有美丽的 Ocean Grove 所提供的一切,定会让您感到宾至如归! 酒店的客人可在精美的住宿环境中欣赏壮丽的海景、享用内部恒温泳池,无论情侣、家庭还是团体,都能在这家靠近大洋路的酒店获得难忘的海滨体验。 The historic Ocean Grove Chalet brings luxury accommodation to the surf coast. Originally built in 1887, this modern and stunning 15-room hotel is the perfect home away from home to enjoy all that beautiful Ocean Grove has to offer. With spectacular ocean views and an on-site heated Read more…
King Parrot Cottages & Event Centre位于奥特维山脉北坡,建筑风格独特,为来此度假游览的夫妇或家庭提供高品质住宿环境。这里是当地动物的天堂,不仅有袋鼠、小袋鼠和针鼹鼠,还有各种鸟类,鹦鹉、玫瑰鹦鹉、雀鸟都在此惬意地栖居。如有任何特殊需要,请致电或发送电子邮件注明“G’day Friends”。 King Parrot Cottages & Event Centre provides accommodation of quality architecturally designed cottages for couples or families on the northern slopes of the Otway Ranges. It is a haven for native fauna including kangaroos, wallabies and echidnas, a wide variety of birdlife including parrots, rosellas and finches. Australian bushland forest at its best. Read more…
风格经典且已重新翻修的太平洋大酒店 (Grand Pacific Hotel) 有着悠久的历史,位于海岸边得天独厚的环境中,与多个冲浪海滩和洛恩栈桥 (Lorne Pier) 相对而望,可提供现代化的服务和舒适且实惠的住宿,更可欣赏绝佳的海洋风景! With superb ocean views in one of the most unique settings on the coast, opposite surf beaches and the Lorne Pier, the historic Grand Pacific Hotel provides comfortable and affordable accommodation, with modern services in a classic restored building. 产品与服务 历史悠久的太平洋大酒店 (Grand Pacific Hotel) 建于 1875 年,是著名的大洋路沿线的标志性建筑。宾客们可以在翻修后的经典建筑中尽情体验舒适实惠的住宿和现代化的服务。 Built in 1875, the historic Read more…
奥特威农场 (Otway Fields) 民宿位于维多利亚奥特威 (Victorian Otways)。 如果您计划游览大洋路 (Great Ocean Road),灵感源自野生动物园的小木屋是您的理想入住选择。 农场靠近比瑞古拉镇 (Birregurra),风景壮观,可方便快捷地前往洛恩 (Lorne)、阿波罗贝 (Apollo Bay) 、奥特威山脉 (Otway Ranges) 和十二使徒岩 (12 Apostles) 游览观光。清晨,您可以享用我们的早餐:刚出炉的面包、新鲜的农场鸡蛋和自制果酱。 我们还种植多种无公害农产品,包括蔬菜、大蒜、浆果和水果。我们使用自家种植的农产品制作多款荣获奖项的美味果酱和蜜饯。您可以在当地商店购买这些产品。 一个不容错过的旅游胜地。 Otway Fields is a small farm stay in the Victorian Otways. Our safari inspired cabin accommodation is the perfect spot to stay when visiting The Great Ocean Road. We are situated in a spectacular location near Read more…
我们的海滨小居位于美丽静谧的海滨小镇Moggs Creek,是您度假的完美选择。Moggs Creek小镇坐落在Aireys Inlet和Lorne之间,住在这里,您步行2分钟即可到大洋路和海滩。运气好的话,您还能看见袋鼠在前面草坪上觅食。我们就住在海滨小居附近,方便为您提供所需服务。 Our beach shack is the perfect place to stay, located in Moggs Creek, a beautiful small quite coastal town between Aireys Inlet and Lorne, 2 min walk to the Great Ocean Road and beach. If you are lucky you will see Kangaroos feeding on the front lawn. We live close by the accommodation and can help Read more…
安格尔西因其壮观的海岸线所带来的迷人自然风光而闻名于世。无论您是和一大群朋友或者和家人一起出行,还是只想搭建一个帐篷,对于每一位前来大洋路 (Great Ocean Road) 旅行的游客,安格尔西家庭旅行车公园 (Anglesea Family Caravan Park) 都能满足您的需求。 Anglesea is known for its fantastic nature-based experiences by a spectacular coastline. Whether you have a big group or family, or are pitching a tent, the Anglesea Family Caravan Park has something for everyone travelling the Great Ocean Road. 产品与服务 度假小屋可供 6 人居住。这是我们最热门的实惠小屋之一,极其适合一家人或者夫妻。价格每晚 $140 起。 Holiday cabins sleep up to Read more…